Friday, November 12, 2010

Open House

Michelle and I

My goodies.

X-mas cards

Lots of 3D items.

The Make and take

Kelly, Sarah and Gayellen

Michelle and my mom

Alli, Sarah and Brenda

Sharon, Kelly and Brenda
I had lots of fun at my open house.  Hope you all did too!  I want to share a few pictures with you.  The first one is of my Up-Line Michelle Surette and me.  She's one of my very best friends and she has such a passion for creating beautiful things.  I'm lucky to have her to learn from.  The last picture shows my friend Kelly with her sewing "stuff".  She makes absolutely beautiful items.  Pot holders, PJ bottoms, bags, aprons and much more.  Thanks to everyone else who came and supported me.  Hope to see you all in workshops!

1 comment:

  1. I had a great time at the open house. Thanks so much. Looking forward to seeing more projects.

